To access Moodle it is necessary to use the same credentials received to login to the Mi@LUMSA web platform. More information on using the service is available in the Quick Guide for students and in the short video tutorial presentation.
As a teaching tool, it allows students to take advantage of a virtual space through which to use or download the teaching material of the lessons, carry out exercises and any tests prepared by the teachers.
For further information you can send an email to
It allows teachers to create real virtual classrooms, provide digital resources, design individual and collaborative activities as well as develop and manage different types of assessment activities.
For teachers interested in carrying out training activities in e-learning or blended mode, an information channel is active via email:
To submit a request to activate a course, fill out the form.
Moodle is an e-learning platform chosen by LUMSA University to offer students educational content and support for lessons.
This choice stems from the awareness that the basic functions offered by e-learning (access to online resources, exercises and support materials, online communication in real time and/or deferred, etc.) can be used directly in the context of educational processes of the “frontal” type or they can serve to give life to innovative teaching/learning processes based on collaborative and bidirectional forms of communication, which have established themselves in the good practices of distance education in recent years.
This account must be used for the entire first year, even after receiving Lumsa credentials. Only starting from the second academic year, the provisional account will be deleted and it will be possible to log in the e-learning system with Lumsa credentials. Any problem resulting from non-compliance with this rule will be attributable only to the student.